The Parish of St. James, Fenelon Falls
This website is a great place to learn a bit about the Parish of Fenelon Falls and Coboconk. Are you visiting in the area? Are you are looking for a new church home, or interested in finding out what the Christian faith is all about? Whatever your reason, we’re glad you stopped by. We look forward to meeting you in person.
Sunday morning services: Christ Church 9 am St. James 11 am
Don’t forget to look at past events in our Parish Life page.
Christchurch Announcements
It gives us great pleasure to announce that The Very Rev. James Merrett will assume the role of priest at Christ Church as of Feb. 4, 2024. Rev. James will continue in this role until a full-time priest is named for the parish. We are thrilled and excited to work with him on continuing and enhancing our role in our beautiful community of Coboconk. Welcome Rev. James. We are so blessed to have you.
Services will be held in the warmth of the church hall for these winter months. Please enter by the church hall door. We look forward to seeing everyone in this seasonal setting.
Bible Study: We continue with our Bible Study sessions on Wednesday mornings at 11 a.m. Potluck lunch follows the meeting.
Food Bank Sunday: The Third Sunday of the month, has been designated as the day for those of us who wish to make a direct donation to the Food Bank to bring non-perishable food items or a cheque. On February 18 a basket will be available to receive these items.
Soup’s On: We are back with hot and with frozen soup choices. This happens the second Tuesday of the month. Mark March 12, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., on your calendar. We look forward to seeing you all again!
E-Transfers: To make it easier for your givings, we have now set up e-transfers. To make an e-transfer, please send it to “” . The password is “church”. If you wish to use another password, you will have to let us know the password used in order for the transfer to be completed.
St. James Announcements
St James welcomes the following during our time of transition:
- The Rev Canon Ted McCollum – Priest-in-Charge
- The Rev Canon Greg Physick – Associate Priest
- Karen Mosley – Lay Reader.
We are fortunate to have each of them as we move forward.
We have received permission to allow parishioners to park in the Highland Propane parking lot on Sundays during service. Please, use the sidewalk for the parking lot to get to St James, and do not go through the back of the parking lot.
Kitchen Ministry: All members of the congregation are invited to take part in setting out coffee, tea, lemonade, and cookies, etc., for the regular informal get-together following the services on Sunday mornings. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet just outside the kitchen.
New Bell Ringer
Nash is our new assistant St. James Church bell ringer. He was welcomed to the position on May 12th, by Rev Canon Greg Physick and pictured here with his mother, Michelle. Welcome, Nash!
Wednesday Devotions
You can watch past morning devotions each Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Click here to watch. And consider subscribing to our channel to get notifications when a new video has been uploaded.
Books for Children – Christ Church on the Hill, Coboconk
Christ Church has started a book exchange , every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for children in the community. There are over 1300 books from which kids can choose, and there are even cloth book bags to carry them home in, too.